Partnering with iwi and hapū
At Far North Holdings, we are dedicated to fostering robust and respectful partnerships with mana whenua, in every project and development throughout Te Hiku and Te Tai Tokerau. Join us on a journey of community collaboration.

Te Kohekohe Social Housing Kaikohe
In response to the dire need for housing affordability and accessibility in Kaikohe, Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi (THOON) and Far North Holdings have come up with their own solution by working together to create the country’s first-ever co-owned, co-built housing development, ‘Te Kohekohe’.
The community housing project, located at the rear of 158 Broadway in Kaikohe, opened stage 1 of 3 stage last October and will provide a total of 60 one, two and three bedroom homes.
As part of the partnership agreement, Far North Holdings will provide property development expertise and support, along with coordination of the project from design through to the consenting process and construction through to completion.
Far North Holdings CEO Andy Nock said he was delighted to be working with THOON to help address critical housing needs in Te Tai Tokerau and the partnership between THOON and Far North Housing (a FNHL-owned subsidiary) was ground-breaking.
"Our partnership is really valuable and has proven what can be achieved when working together strategically to secure funding and develop much-needed housing," Nock said.

"In conjunction with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, THOON and Northern Housing will build and jointly-own Te Kohekohe, which THOON will tenant and manage as the community housing provider.
"THOON has a deep understanding of the community and their needs, so will also have trained staff to provide wrap-around services for whānau in these homes.”
THOON CEO Tia Ashby agreed the community housing site was a significant moment for everyone and something both organisations had worked diligently towards addressing the pressing issue of housing affordability and accessibility in the community.
“The purpose of the opening ceremony was not just to open a block of buildings, but to celebrate the milestones we have achieved, unite our community and to acknowledge everyone who has helped us deliver a housing project of this size,” Ashby said.
“As an Iwi Māori provider, it’s exciting to be able to deliver housing solutions during a housing crisis and our partnership with FNHL underscores a shared commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of whānau in our community.”
Manea Footprints of Kupe
In collaboration with Te Hua o te Kawariki Trust and Maori Tourism, the Manea - Footsteps of Kupe Cultural Centre has been a transformative project, both for mana whenua and the local community, but also playing a role in deepening international interest of Aotearoa New Zealand’s culture and tourism.
Overlooking the white sands of Ōpononi beach, Manea celebrates the life, legacy and arrival of Hawaiki’s master explorer, Kupe, to Te-Hokianga-nui-ā-Kupe (the Hokianga Harbour) around 950 years ago, which marked the beginning of our nation’s human story.

Manea – Footprints of Kupe is the fruition of a 20-year dream of our people, to share our story with Aotearoa, New Zealand, and the world.”
- John Klaricich – CNZM , QSO
Inside the centre, visitors can embark on a captivating journey through time and culture. With stories coming to life through a blend of multi-sensory guided tours, 4D interactive performances, and cutting-edge technology stations.
From early stages, Far North Holdings Limited provided support to Te Hua O Te Kawariki Trust in raising $8.5m from PGF/Foundation North and Lotteries to fund the project, followed by project management of the development, from concept design through to completion.
As a community focused initiative, communication and coordination between mana whenua was key throughout the project.
The centre continues to deliver an outstanding cultural heritage and educational experience, creating employment and drawing visitors to the community and surrounding region.
Featured in The Times ‘World's Greatest Places 2021’, Manea’s vision of sharing the life and legacy of Kupe continues to unfold from the heart of the Hokianga..
Find out more and visit - www.maneafootprints.co.nz
Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park
Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park has been developed and is managed by Far North Holdings Ltd, working in collaboration with mana whenua Ngāti Rangi, Northland Inc and the local business community.
An important key element of The Park is Far North Holdings' connection with mana whenua. Leading the complete development of Park, championing a collaborative approach to work alongside the local community and Ngāti Rangi.
This approach was recognised via the 2021 EDNZ Inclusive Development Award for the project’s commitment to collaboration.
The relationships built with mana whenua have bought skills alongside the development project and the management of the park, these have included skills covering landscape, ecological, kaitiaki, architectural and historical.
Ngāti Rangi kaumātua Albert Tana has worked closely with Far North Holdings since The Park’s inception and during the Park’s official opening event, said he was pleased to see how the project had progressed.
“I’m encouraged by the fact that we get to create work for our own in the district and this is an occasion we’ve all been waiting for. ”
Tana said.
“I think The Park will be of benefit not only to Kaikohe, but for the whole of Tai Tokerau.” Albert Tana
Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park is a new kind of business park, located on 204 acres of former farmland, the park connects people, businesses and innovation to generate future opportunities for all.
"It’s creating the ability for people to fulfil their own dreams” states Andy Nock, CEO of Far North Holdings.
Funded through a $19.5 million grant from the Kānoa’s Provincial Growth Fund, the investment means that rather than Te Tai Tokerau needing to seek out opportunities, the opportunity has been bought to Te Tai Tokerau, with a number of businesses and organisations now established within the park, including:
Te Pūkenga
Kaikohe Berry Fruit Ltd
Regent Training Centre
Northland Inc at the Mahinga Innovation Centre
A natural product cluster of small businesses manufacturing out of a lab at Mahinga Innovation centre.
Another key stakeholder of the Park is Āteanui Ltd, a local whānau company growing five hectares of peruperu (Māori potatoes).
Moana Timoko and Tahu Warmington are Āteanui Ltd’s owner/operators who, alongside their whānau, create spaces for learning potential, with many of their kaupapa involving giving people the time and space to ‘think, plan and learn’.
Timoko said their peruperu journey had begun three years ago and as far as she was aware, with 150,000+ purapura (seeds), was now the biggest peruperu seed bank in all of Ngāpuhi.
She said Āteanui Ltd was also creating its own circular economy plan - to utilise everything they touched or grew with their own hands.“We aim to eventually have several streams of kaupapa flowing through our business, including offering more wānanga / intensive learning sessions focussed on growing according to Maramataka Māori and generating revenue to provide sustainability.”
Timoko also oversees the vocational education and training institution Te Pūkenga and campus partners Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kaikohe, which also sit within the Park, creating new opportunities aimed at advancement for the people across the region.
Learn more - www.ngawhapark.nz

Ngawha Springs
In 2021, Far North Holdings embarked on a redevelopment partnership with Parahirahi Ngawha Waikari Trust, to update and upgrade Ngawha Springs - Te Tai Tokerau’s most iconic hot springs.
The redevelopment project centred on updating the pools to be suitable for supporting future growth, whilst respecting and preserving its unique and much loved character.
This included enhanced facilities, a robust flood wall, upgraded infrastructure encompassing drainage improvements, and the construction of a new building.
This new structure now houses changing rooms, cafe, ticket office, a shop and dedicated spaces for health practitioners.
Crucial to the project was the construction of a new flood wall, strategically positioned to safeguard both the complex and the surroundings of the 16 geothermal pools in the public springs.
Far North Holdings supported Parahirahi Ngawha Waikari Trust in facilitating raising $4.5 million worth of funds from the Provincial Growth Fund, Foundation North, Lotteries, Te Puni Kōkiri, and Northland Inc.
As the project developer, Far North Holdings was responsible for overseeing the entire process from concept design through to completion. Working alongside local mana whenua and supporting communication, respect and engagement from all parties was key to delivering such a successful project.
The Ngawha Springs project stands as a testament to positive collaboration, with visitor numbers doubling since the redevelopment works. Melding modern amenities with culture and natural beauty Far North Holdings is proud to have contributed to what Ngawha Springs is today.
Learn more - www.ngawha.nz

Unahi & Pukenui Wharves
Both the Unahi Wharf and Pukenui Wharf hold historical and cultural significance for the people of Te Hiku o Te Ika/the Far North, particularly for the people of Te Aupōuri and Ngai Takoto Iwi.
The wharves have traditionally provided a vital connection to the water for both the gathering of kaimoana (seafood) and more recently, as important points for commercial and recreational fishing.
After years of going into disrepair, two crucial wharf redevelopment projects were completed in 2022, based on a collaborative initiative between Far North Holdings Ltd (with funding from the Kānoa - Regional Economic Development Unit and Provincial Growth fund) and support from Te Aupōuri.
For the Unahi Wharf, $1.8 million worth of repairs were undertaken to replace an ageing timber wharf with a modern truck-rated, concrete structure. Work included demolishing the existing timber wharf, parts of which were believed to have been up to 100 years old. A new concrete pontoon, gangway, and berthing piles were installed, and repairs were made to the seawall.
To ensure that the new structure met community needs, Far North Holdings developed designs in partnership with commercial fishermen and the Awanui Progressive and Ratepayers’ Association.
Construction work was carried out by Total Marine Services, Stonecraft and Laser Electrical Kaitaia with $1 million in funding from the Government’s Provincial Growth Fund and another $800,000 from the council.
"Our matua lived on that maunga over there (Tohoraha), they settled here, lived here, sought their kai here" Penetaui Klesovic.

For Pukenui Wharf, $2.4 million worth of improvements were undertaken, which included a new floating concrete pontoon on the northern side, which can be used for recreational boats to fuel up and berth while loading or unloading.
Pukenui Wharf, which lies in Houhora Harbour, serves a fishing fleet as well as charter boats and recreational vessels and is the country's northernmost marine refuelling station. The new wharf is now also protected by a modern fendering system and designed to take heavy truck loading fish from berthed vessels.
At the opening of the Pukenui Wharf, Te Aupōuri representative Penetaui Kleskovic spoke about the history and significance of the area.
"Our mātua lived on that maunga over there (Tohoraha), they settled here, lived here, sought their kai here," he said.
Kleskovic spoke about how a tangata whenua presence was also important during and after the project and commended the hard work put into the project and the benefits it would have on local employment opportunities.