Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park
Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park is a new kind of business park, owned and managed by Far North Holdings Limited.
Located on 204 acres of former farmland, the park connects people, businesses and innovation to generate future opportunities for all.
Funded through a $19.5 million grant from the Kānoa’s Provincial Growth Fund, the investment means that rather than Te Tai Tokerau needing to seek out opportunities, the opportunity has been bought to Te Tai Tokerau.
There are now a number of businesses and organisations established within the park, including:
Te Pūkenga
Kaikohe Berry Fruit Ltd
Regent Training Centre
Northland Inc at the Mahinga Innovation Centre
Ateanui Limited
A natural product cluster of small businesses manufacturing out of the labs at Mahinga Innovation Centre
Rural Delivery TV1 - features Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park
Take a Sky Tour of the park