Two Far North Holdings Limited directors, Murray McCully and Sarah Peterson, have been reappointed to the board until March 2027 following a decision by Far North District Council.
McCully, chair of FNHL, was MP for East Coast Bays for 30 years, and a Minister for more than 16 years in the Bolger, Shipley, Key and English governments. He held a range of portfolios including Foreign Affairs, Housing and Sport. He currently chairs the boards of Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust and Northland Housing.
Raised and educated in Tai Tokerau, Petersen is a chartered accountant and deputy chair of Far North Holdings Limited. She has broad governance experience, including investment assessment, risk management, and economic development.

Far North Holdings Limited is the commercial arm of the Far North District Council that drives economic and community development across the region.
Notable projects include Ōpua Marina, the Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park (NIEP), 60 homes with Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi through its subsidiary Far North Housing, community projects such as Manea, Te Hononga and Ngāwhā Springs and others.
More information on the Far North Holdings board and team members can be found at -